
.22 – .270 Cal, 1-1/8 Square, 500 Count
November 9, 2017
Sig Pro 2022, # 08
November 9, 2017
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.22 – .270 Cal, 1-1/8 Square, 1000 Count


SKU: 1 1/8-1000 Category:

*Packaged in a Reusable Zip closure bag.

Pro-Shot 100% Cotton Flannel Finished Both Sides Cleaning Patches are known worldwide for Superior Consistency and Cleaning Power!   

Pro-Shot has manufactured millions of patches and their quality and superior cleaning patches have become sought after by the most accurate-minded shooters in the world.

Pro-shot’s Exclusive Spec American Made 100% cotton flannel fabric and are finished on both sides for the purposes of absorbing foreign matter and residue.  Also, their patches carry the fouling through the BORE with the LEAST amount of abrasive contact to the barrel's rifling.

Regular cleaning helps to reduce metal fouling which is something that builds upon itself over a period of time. This will cause subtle deterioration of group size and "FLYERS".

100% American Cotton Flannel Finished Both Sides- for extra absorbency!

Weight 3 lbs